Dr. Amrita Bhattacharya
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Metallurgical Engg.
and Materials Science,
IIT Bombay, 400076, India

Dear visitor,
Welcome to the web page of the Ab initio Computational Materials Simulation laboratory, led by me. My works involve understanding and predicting the microscopic phenomena behind the electronic, magnetic, and transport properties of emerging materials using the state-of-the-art quantum mechanical density functional theory based methods. Within this framework, my current interest is oriented towards analyzing the charge and heat transport phenomena in thermoelectric solid, understanding the magnetic interactions in strongly correlated materials, and inspecting defects and related properties in semiconductor.
For more details please visit my research and publication page.
Apply now*
1) Applications are invited for JRF position (Rs. 31000/= + HRA) under the BRNS project titled "High throughput calculations for the experimental realization of spin orbit driven thermoelectric materials". The candidates with MSc/ MTech in Physics/ Materials science/ Electronics may apply. The candidates who have qualified NET/ GATE will be given preference. The candidate may be absorbed for the regular PhD position once they qualify the internal PhD screening of the department. Interested candidates may write me directly (b_amrita@iitb.ac.in) with their CV. Last date of application is 31.01.2022.
2) 1 Postdoc position under IIT Bombay Institute fellowship.
Motivated candidates with following background may apply:
(1) theoretical physics
(2) materials science
(3) chemical physics
(4) physical chemistry
Please send an application with your CV and project preference
© 2017 by Amrita Bhattacharya