Dr. Amrita Bhattacharya
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Metallurgical Engg.
and Materials Science,
IIT Bombay, 400076, India
MM318, Electronic properties of materials (Full semester, 3rd year, MEMS BTech)
Course content: Geometry of crystals. Reciprocal lattice, reflection condition and Braggs law. Free electron theory of metals. Kronig-Penney model. Brillouin zones, Energy bands, energy-wavevector diagrams. Conductivity in metals and Hall effect. Semiconductors: intrinsic and extrinsic. Carrier concentration, effective mass, Fermi energy determination. Dielectric and Optical properties- polarization, types and mechanisms, macroscopic and local fields, polarizability. Dispersion and complex dielectric constant.
MM747, First principles approach to materials science (Full semester, Masters and Beyond )
Course Content: Introduction to quantum mechanics, Dirac's formalism, Introduction to wave function based methods: Wave function, many body problem, Variational principles, Hartree and Hartree Fock methods, Introduction to density functional theory: Kohn Sham Equations, self consistency cycles, Exchange and Correlations, Basis set, and Pseudopotential
MM220, Computational laboratory (Half semester, 2nd year, MEMS, BTech)
Course Content: Python for materials science
DST Inspire faculty (DST/INSPIRE/04/2015/000089), SERB, 35 Lakhs, Five years (2016-2021)
Basic seed grant (RD/0517-IRCCSH0-043), IIT Bombay, 20 Lakhs, Three years (2018-2021)
Early career research award (ECR/2018/002356), SERB, 50 Lakhs, Three years (2019-2022)
Extended seed grant (RD/0517-IRCCSH0-043), IIT Bombay, 55 Lakhs, Two years (2020-2022)
Regular research grant (58/14/07/21-BRNS/37098), BRNS, 49 Lakhs, Three years (2021-2024)
Young Achiever award grant, IIT Bombay, 5 Lakhs, (2021)
Aron HPC facility, In house, 1 master (24 procs) + 8 slaves (24 procs each) + 8 slaves (32 procs each)
Dendrite HPC facility, Departmental, IIT Bombay
Space time HPC facility, Institutional, IIT Bombay
Param Yuva III HPC facility, CDAC, Pune
Mettler Toledo high precision weighing balance with density measurement kit
Diamond cutting machine
A electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient measuring unit (under purchase)
A high energy planetary ball mill (under purchase)