Dr. Amrita Bhattacharya
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Metallurgical Engg.
and Materials Science,
IIT Bombay, 400076, India

Dr. Amrita Bhattacharya
Group Leader, AbCMS Lab (2017-till date)
PhD Students

BSc: Physics, Chaudhary Charan Singh University
MSc: Physics, Banasthali University
Thesis topic:
First principles investigation of charge and heat transport of thermoelectric Heusler alloys.
Parul Raghuvanshi
PhD (2016-Present)

Suman Mondal
PhD (2018 - present)

Krishnaraj Mayya
PhD (2019 - present)

Dipwanita Bhattacharya
PhD (2019 - present)

Junaid Jami
PhD (2020 - present)

BTech: Electronics and communication, West Bengal University of Technology
MTech: Materials Science and Nanotechnology, NIT Kurukshetra
Thesis topic:
First principles investigation of two dimensional electron gas formation in the interfaces of Perovskite heterostructures
BTech: Electronics and communication, Visvesvaraya Technological University
MTech: Nanotechnology, NIT Kurukshetra
Thesis topic:
First principles investigation of Perovskite topological insulator phases
BTech: Electrical Engineering, Assam Engineering College
MTech: Energy engineering, IIT Guwahati
Thesis topic:
Experiment and theory of charge and heat transport of thermoelectric Heusler alloys
BS: Materials Science, NIT Nagaland
MS: Materials Science, NIT Nagaland
Thesis topic:
Experiment and theory of magnetic properties of Heusler alloys
BSc: Physics, Union Christian College
MSc: Physics, Kerala University
Thesis topic:
Effect of electron phonon coupling on temperature dependent optical properties of semiconductors
Shilpa Paul
PhD (2020 - present)

BSc: Physics, Abhedananda College
MSc: Physics, Jadavpur University
Thesis topic:
First principles investigation of magnetism in strongly correlated double Perovskite oxides.
Debarghya Dutta
PhD (2021 - present)

BTech: Mechanical engg., NIT Karnataka
MTech: Materials engg., University of Hyderabad
Thesis topic:
Investigation of spin orbit coupling driven effects in half Heusler alloys
Shiva Lingam Goud
PhD (2021- present)
Current project student

Hrithik Agrawal
BTech, MEMS (2018- present)
BTech project topic:
First principles study of vibrational stability of Perovskite oxides
First principles investigation of spin orbit coupling driven effects in Perovskite oxides
Alumni Project Students
Batch of 2021

Souvik Hui
BTech, Mechanical engg., Jadavpur University
Mtech, MEMS, IIT Bombay
Thesis topic:
Machine learning the lattice thermal conductivity of Heusler compounds

Deepanshi Saraswat
BTech, Aeronautical engg., Aeronautical society of India
Mtech, MEMS, IIT Bombay
Thesis topic:
Machine learning the first principles computed lattice thermal conductivity of Perovskite oxides
Bhawna Panwar
BTech, Materials Science,
NIT Bhopal
Mtech, MEMS, IIT Bombay
Thesis topic: Combining machine learning with first principles to model the Curie temperature of magnetic Heusler compounds
Batch of 2020

Prasun Keshri
BTech, Metallurgical engg., Jadavpur University
Mtech, MEMS, IIT Bombay
Thesis topic: Combining machine learning with first principles to model the Curie temperature of magnetic Heusler compounds
Faijan Raja
BTech, Nanotechnology, Central University of Jharkhand
MTech, MEMS IIT Bombay (2018-2020)
Thesis topic:
Machine learning the lattice thermal conductivity of Perovskite oxides

Owaish Ansari
BSc, Physics, Delhi University
MSc, Physics, IIT Bombay
MTech, Applied physics, IIT Bombay
Thesis topic:
First principles investigation of topological activities in half Heusler compounds
Batch of 2019

Rushikesh Rathod
BTech, MEMS, IIT Bombay (2015-2019)
Thesis topic:
Machine learning the first principles band gap of binary alloys

Vinay Kumar
Dual Degree, MEMS, IIT Bombay
Thesis topic:
Combining machine learning with first principles to model the cohesive energy of Perovskite oxides

Arpit Garg
BTech, Mechanical Engg., Uttar Pradesh Technical University
MTech, MEMS, IIT Bombay
(2017- 2019)
Thesis topic: Combining machine learning with first principles to model the cohesive energy of Heusler alloys